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che nessuno metteva in dubbio, ma della carità e delle sue larghezze nel beneficare, e tutti ne parevano innamorati, e fra 'l popolo e .

s he'd rather do even that than be shot," was the retort. It was cruel, but effective; and after a few more words her mother gave in and .

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t very well, but it did not succeed. The jury were left with the impression that the People's witness on speed was one to be believed. C .

ng for from me?" thought Lydia. Long, long winter nights in prison are excellent periods for thinking out a revenge. She saw it would no .

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ly, she told herself; and she was gradually growing more composed, when Dally presented herself briskly at the door, her eyes twinkling, .

he was proud of it. Indeed, as I have said before, ambition was the one thing which kept him from being a wastrel. No doubt Radford Lei .

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e told herself, as women always do in these circumstances, that there was nothing personal about his attitude, but there was something t .

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ime for me to be off to the station. I must have betrayed my impatience somehow, for he started, stared a moment, and sat down. "You're .

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