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amere. Non sapeva più quel che si facesse nè quel che si pensasse. D'improvviso, come se le venisse una speranza: --Avete fatto legger .
f her struck Rainey to the quick. "Quick, let me see." "Wounded, hell!" laughed Lund. "D'ye think that popgun of yores c'ud stop me? The .
urse; we know there were only two male cabin passengers on board, both travelling as Americans; one as Jas. R. Lamb, the other as Joseph .
feel embarrassed, my words become tangled, my memory leaves me, and I hurry to close my remarks, conscious of having made a weak argume .
lds the bills?" "That scoundrel Thompson. North's cousin." "Then he'll worry you well for it," said the squire. "Let him. It'll be a les .
e get within the walls before you pronounce an opinion," remarked my father. "Like the deeds of the founder, it gains more admiration wh .
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he had entered his study he sat down to think. His man announced a patient, but the doctor made no reply. Suddenly he glanced up at the .
rità. --Lasciate se n'esca l'eccellentissimo signor duca poi vi dirò tutto. Quando il duca fu uscito e si credettero sicure. --Voi vi .
e su chi non ha difesa. Il medico Bonnivet, il quale aveva allora lasciato il letto d'Armando, e a vedere come si mettesser le cose era .
Henry Rexton, had been a soldier in his youth; but when he married my mother, who was the daughter of an eminent British merchant, he qu .
hy he couldn't bury the squire as well as a Londoner--that everything should be worthy of the family. So the London man had brought down .
eto vivere dell'ipocondriaco marito, infine per il meglio della piccola Elena, la quale prima d'esser chiusa in monastero mai non aveva .
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ose I loved best on earth were gone; and at the end of it I had nothing to expect but a long imprisonment in a loathsome dungeon, or per .
he best horses they can find, as it is important for them to be well mounted. My father and I, two Spaniards, a mestizo, and our chief I .