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portance of temperance, and would avoid strong drinks, and take only a moderate portion of meat, they would escape much suffering from w .
e d'una grand'ira del pontefice. La piazza di Spagna, dove era il palazzo del signore di Rimini, fu il dì dopo zeppa di popolo da matti .
ccurate judgment, was no longer there; but one full of wild excitement--one moment bubbling over with delirious joy at having triumphed .
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ere unwell. "Surely, Hartley, you are not going to have that dreadful old man in here!" panted Leo, who felt half suffocated by her emot .
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hem. I then collected a number of stones, with which the road supplied us, and handing them up to Ned, he put them on the thatch to prev .
vague terms, but still explicit enough to satisfy every one. I'll arouse their sentimental feelings, and get their votes. Of course the .
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ittle jilt! I--" He paused in horror at the words which had fallen from his lips, and met his friend's wondering gaze. Then, as if maste .
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ked in her motor veil, and the beautiful sables which Mr. Sarand had given her last winter. When she told me to go on to the house, and .
bird, and prepared to carry him off in triumph to their village. At first when we appeared, they looked suspiciously at us; but after P .
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i mise a guardarla estatico, quasi fosse una cosa straordinaria, una cosa santa, e non trovava una parola per rispondere. --Non avendo d .