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d about; and, poor dear man, she is breaking his heart. I've tried so hard to wean him from that dreadful love of a bad, base girl, and .

"Fool," Ruby muttered; her dark face flamed up angrily. Thornton noticed how much she resembled her handsome father. She had more fire i .

ndo non so quali emolumenti dalla Francia, e sapendo come il Bentivoglio fosse amicissimo del governatore e de' più distinti baroni, a .

e cannot afford to dispense with any of those qualities which help to make us pleasing to others. We should remember that there was but .

hout seeing my drawings, and the books I have had down from town! Ah! I am sure I bore you with my murmuring. A sick woman is a burden t .

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that nobody insults you while I am your servant, madame. If I may make a suggestion, I would advise you to leave this town." She looked .

gio... ma nel punto stesso di profferire quella parola, gli parve sì duro l'esser costretto a tal passo, che si tacque, e si mise invec .

ing a policeman, I asked him to direct me. "Keep to the right and turn to the right again," says he, staring hard at his lordship and at .

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ht-fingered--mulatto girl. An evening suddenly came back to her. It was in New York. She had come downstairs about eleven o'clock with M .

would naturally go with you. It would be simple enough for you two to obtain permits to travel and passports and so on, and----" "But I .

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