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which had ceased for a few moments, began again. He felt that he had a task before him, that of stopping a gap in front of which an eag .
are the most important. The nature of these organisms is still somewhat obscure, but that leguminous plants have the power of drawing up .
the hotel, protesting all the while that he wished to address his faithful followers, and warn them against the evils of drink. Presentl .
Olive Castlemaine met more than once. By what seemed a strange coincidence Leicester received invitations to houses where Olive Castlema .
repented, Radford." "And if I had not?" "Then," she said, "I would not have promised to marry you." "You mean that?" "Yes, I mean that. .
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the domestic emotions, and thought he would return to Pittsburg to his sorrowing wife and children, he handed me over to the Countess, s .
l a sharp nudge with his elbow. "But, my word, Dally, you do look pretty this morning." "Don't, gran'fa. What stuff!" "Oh, but you do," .
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he phantasm of some delirious fit. A louder crack of the baize door aroused him, and he started away. "Don't you hear?" he whispered. "D .
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erly mystified by all this, I ventured: "But can I go away without a permit?" Another of his queer inscrutable smiles greeted this. "Per .
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pily, I could do nothing, and what I would have done the police forbade me to do, for there were three of them in the room before five m .
t was slippery where ice had formed in the crevices. Two seamen tackled Hansen. He stopped the curses of one with a straight punch to hi .
oubt in her words. "Well," said Salis, rising, "I must go and have a look round." "Going out, dear?" "Yes. I seem to have been very negl .
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