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volute più di due ore, e quanto più si dilungava, l'altre barche, con cui era partita di conserva, si andavan diradando sempre più. .
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quite a gift in summing up people. You remember her letter about that French Count?" "Very well. Yes, yes, it was very clever. Has some .
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ain an abiding joy to me. You have, however, the satisfaction of knowing that you stopped my bringing away the new type of aeroplane. Bu .
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an reminds me of him. There is always the feeling that he's keeping something back. Somehow, I don't know why, but the fellow got on my .
a coll'indivisibile suo cigno, e una Danae colla pioggia d'oro. Dirimpetto Orfeo ed Euridice, Ero e Leandro, Ercole e Dejanira. Ovunque .
ys would not have bestowed on him. He was sleek and solid; well-groomed and rounded, in spite of constant activity, and if his scientifi .
me of the people in your company who have escaped, might betray our proceedings to the authorities. Their lives are safe, but we must ke .
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y so much that she felt a strong temptation, under the mask of discussing the case, to pour out to him all her troubles--the inevitable .
the surface of different parts of the soil. The occurrence of nitre under such conditions is due, partly to the natural richness of the .
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