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se così impeto maggiore all'incendio. Tutto adunque gli era andato a seconda del desiderio. Udiva dal posto ove stava il furioso crepit .
lass. Should ha' thought a girl as I've brought up, as I've brought up you ever since your mother and father died, would have give her p .
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t me drive. No woman that ever was born would frighten me, I thought, and yet I could not be sure even about that. The words that were s .
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to esser vinte in tutto e per tutto. Perciò di nascosto e di queto, s'era procurato taluni passatempi, e di tale precauzione usava in q .
the papers, acquire, and be able to express, a reasonably clear idea of what is happening in the world. She should ascertain what is of .
the girl." His tone had a rising inflection of a question in it, but to Lydia it sounded like an order. She had had every intention of .
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amuse, but that people are bored by a long story, filled with pointless details. He is not necessarily learned or profound. He understan .
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t." "Pish! Who would find us out, man?" "Well, say parson." "Absurd! He is in bed, and sound asleep. There, take your glass; I want to b .
xperiment, but how little as compared with what had been done of old! "Why not--why not try?" "You'll let me have another bottle, doctor .
della città, per osservare quanto ci si faceva dal popolo in quella straordinaria circostanza, pochi momenti dopo ch'eran cessati i ri .
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