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certain that it was the same girl. "Well, I must say prison doesn't seem to have done you much harm." "It's done me good, I hope," said .
and used to stail things. He was allays a-gittin' drunk and fightin'. He was a terror to the parish, he was. Aw, many es the time I've t .
rticularly busy. They had had a stream of guests as usual, staying for a week or a fortnight, and the busy doctor had not paid much atte .
fter leaving them?" I started and hesitated. "Are you going to tell me the whole truth? We get to know many strange things here, you kno .
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gher intellectual qualities he surpasses many other clergymen who secure and retain prominent positions; yet the painful truth is forced .
d. Now, this would have been some time after twelve o'clock. It was, I think, a quarter to one when we turned into Portman Square, and h .
rd in the land. Millions of struggling, starving people would have cause to bless his name. And she, she could be the means used by God .
dden and severe illness of the bride the wedding had not taken place. Many men would have been prostrated by such a blow, but Mr. Leices .
had been a great pain. Anger, pride, disappointment, and love had each in their turn fought for the mastery, and her heart had seemed t .
k; and by taking the bearings of it with two other heights still farther off, I hoped to be able easily to find my way back to the camp. .
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