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ange to say, she did not think of Leicester with tenderness. Rather, although the memories associated with him rose thick and fast, he h .
ll the intensity of my being." All the time Olive sat with wide, staring eyes and blanched face. Sometimes she felt as though the recita .
lusions, and by some simple calculations showed very clearly that it was wholly untenable. One of the most striking of the arguments he .
intanto s'eran del tutto ritratti dalla vetriera che copriva la sala, e la pallida luce crepuscolare, attraversando i vetri, a fatica v .
e, per cui anche l'Adriatico era sempre stato in una continua procella. La duchessa sospettò che il vento appunto portando faville ed i .
ar de pae d'esse Portugal, velho que por todos os lados se remoca, e só teima em esquecer no frio esmirrador da meia-idade... quem? os .
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ed the effect upon him of failure. Both would have advised against his resigning his position. Perhaps for this very reason neither had .
ere carried across to serve as a balustrade; but as it had sunk in the middle, and the ropes were very slack, it frequently swung from s .
a e fa presto, per carità , non por tempo in mezzo! --Manfredo, disse allora con impeto la duchessa, accennando al servo di fermarsi, e .
ch do you prefer?" "Oh," says I, "in you get!" And in he did get, as I'm a Dutchman, and I drove him back to the hotel at Monaco--which .
esistibilmente le si affacciava, ogniqualvolta guardando per la finestra, e vedendo il chiaro di luna battere sui palazzi sontuosi che d .
nn we came to for some breakfast, and I was talking to the woman of the house, a very kindly-looking motherly person, about it when ther .
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the prospect of a spell in prison. "You haven't said yet that you forgive me, Jack," said Nessa presently. "Simply because there's noth .
sion of the mould." "It has occurred to you, of course, that he may destroy it?" I suggested. He shook his head. "There's no fear of tha .
in the water. It is this salt which gives foecundity to all things: and from this salt (rightly understood) not only all vegetables, bu .
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