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atter two straws. So I set off on the errand at once. Persuasion was the first card to play, and if that failed, a threat of the police; .
a wild scream, and the cause of the accident went off at a more furious pace than ever, with the shafts dangling and flying about her le .
misi le trine, il vino recente non venne mai più a suscitare gli estri della mia ilarità di contrabbando. --E così fu di me amico mi .
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a second and then shook hands, her look showing that my words had impressed her favourably and also perplexed her. I spent the interval .
a fool, but I'll not close my eyes to facts any longer." "She may love you still," persisted the other. "Woman's love! I was right in t .
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ng at all, either of the nature of this awful accident or of the good luck which attended my leap. Lying there on my back, I became cons .
do, or the doing of something which such a man would not do under the circumstances of each particular case. Or, what is the same thing- .
pose una mano sulla spalla: --Manfredo, disse poi, le cose non sono al punto che tu debba disperarti così.... non v'è nulla ancora di .
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as the doctor instead of the parson!" "Why, Dally, my lass?" said the old man, whose lips were drawn open to a terrible extension--a sav .
nce her own selfish ends!" An impulse based partly on pure loyalty but partly on the idea that she could improve her position by showing .