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to go to visit the girl and see what could be done for her. Miss Thorne accepted the invitation to attend the luncheon; and then, as col .
ffairs." Cousin Thompson's anxiety about his cousin gave his countenance a very happy and contented look. "Things are looking up," he sa .
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la giornata, si troverebbe facilmente il modo di tener lontani il Bentivoglio e il Baglione e allora porrò il pegno io stesso che la Gi .
which the outbreak commenced, instead of wasting his time in preparing the pageants of mock royalty, I see no reason to doubt that he m .
ls, to a distance, where they for some time kept up a concert, which effectually banished sleep. When the monkeys had ceased howling, Pe .
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d the doctor, and he handed Salis his card. At five o'clock, after due arrangements had been made, Joe Chegg was at the door with a chai .
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caught at the nearest object for support, for he was weak with excitement, and his face looked ghastly in the gloom, as he stood there .
porate at Purvis's entrance. He suddenly became rather moody, and when he spoke, addressed his remarks to Mr. Castlemaine rather than to .
hould feel troubled if a gentleman came to the house in a straightforward, honourable way, and said to me, `Sir, I love one of your sist .
i voi... non so. Ella non rispose. --Chi lo avrebbe detto a voi, continuava il Palavicino, chi lo avrebbe persuaso a me... la giustizia .
quale era inchiodato il letto dell'Italiano. Era un disegno ch'esso aveva tentato di fare col carbone, il qual disegno era diretto a ra .