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is the most influential man in the constituency, and the other side will be sure to ask ugly questions." "Let them ask." "Very well, sir .

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help me by confessing her part. I was still doing what I could to shake this determination and show her the fallacy of it, when there w .

r to tell it myself. "I was going to ask your advice about it. I know that part of her story is false; she owned it; and I doubt all the .

astlemaine and Herbert Briarfield had moved to the edge of the green and were watching the contest. Sprague measured the distance carefu .

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consciously living thereon. She seemed to him detached, like a plant that drew its best power away from man, in fields and woods, a kin .

s are not different from the Westerns in that direction. All of us have a secret chamber in our lives." "Still," urged Sprague, "I canno .

hout a sufficient motive. Take you out of my life, and what motive have I?" "The belief in your own manhood." "Why should I believe in t .

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