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istake in treating me so! But there, as though an Almighty cared about such as I. If He does, He regards us all as a part of a grim joke .
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id from philosophy, for health and good humor are almost the whole affair. Many run about after felicity, like an absent man hunting for .
f electricity or of micro-organisms, or of both. The earlier experiments, however, were so arranged as to exclude the influence of eithe .
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e that the man with the fez is a fatalist, and does not believe in right or wrong. He's a striking-looking fellow, and would be noticed .
Trübner, I apologise. I have monopolised your guest completely, and that is unforgivable. You have a great gift, my friend--all the Ge .
surgery--how much we have yet to learn." Then, explaining in a calm, clear voice as he went on, he turned back his sleeves, and selected .
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organisms are probably chiefly confined to the soil, and do not usually occur in rain or in the atmosphere. That, however, they are fou .
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