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Meanwhile her father told her that Ricordo had approached him with a view of buying the house concerning which he had spoken to her. Af .
r's seat and take madam round an afternoon or two. There won't be much talk about gentle shepherdesses after that, I'll wager--though if .
rough." This was consequent upon a quick, brusque examination of the patient, which evidently gave Tom Candlish a great deal of pain. " .
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e endeavoured to find our way across the desert. Since the sand-drift first overtook us, scarcely as much time had elapsed as it has occ .
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A doll may be pretty, but it is not beautiful. Beauty is suggested rather than portrayed--it is something which lies behind the materia .
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ays seemed to him that women appeared at their worst in the attire which society demands for evening functions. It gave the impression o .
e's something bolted." "The dead vacancy in my poor heart." "A regular smash if they don't look out. Woa, Tom! Steady, my lad!" cried th .
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h!" cried the doctor angrily. "You look sharply after your grandchild, for fear trouble should come." "All right, doctor, I will. I'll l .
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k out again. I must do my work thoroughly." "But your drives over here--your bill will be monstrous." "Large, but not monstrous, my dear .
f they are wise they conceal their wealth, lest their masters should take it from them. These mountains are full of rich mines of gold a .
rry. She left all sorts of messages." This was not, strictly speaking, true. O'Bannon smiled slightly. "She does not seem to take much i .
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