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a grave for me." "I meant to put some one else in," said the young man, staring. "No, you didn't; you meant to put me in; but I'll live .
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uch her interests must be opposed to yours forever. Should you marry her, I would be forced to agree with her and oppose you wherever yo .
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round the room Pedro forthwith began to give a history of our proceedings, and the cause of our present wanderings. The chief, after som .
s coming up to the house, and the next minute she had confided to Salis all she felt and knew, and he had gone back to Mary, before hurr .
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nt to speak to Eleanor." She dragged her friend away with her to her own little sitting room upstairs. Here her calm disappeared. "Aren' .
od for me, he tore open a chirimoya, and let me eat its snow-white juicy fruit. Outside it did not look tempting, for the skin, though g .
s. "You!" she exclaimed, starting and turning as white as death and trembling so violently that for an instant I thought she was going t .
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It'll pay me for her getting a few kisses, and having his arm round her waist a bit. Ugh! how I hate the nasty, good-looking minx. I wis .
in his faith. "And I say this, gentlemen, for the reason that I am here to-night--to point out to you how great a stride can be made in .
ions were very natural; and I own that had I not been desirous of making a further search in the neighbourhood the following morning, I .
s simply acting a part. Why we act the parts we do is difficult to tell. Only I have noticed this: in life, as on the stage, those who e .
o tumultuar dos muitos interesses que por aí se agitam. Nós falamos, com o brado dos opprimidos, que todos escutam, que todos devem es .
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