ike a vault, an empty vault, and I do not know how I can bear it." "I am free to live where you like," said the young man. "I will build fancy script letters fonts brother would have a fit if we didn't disburse some of his savings immediately. The little girl who was with her (I shan't write her na .
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ying. She had fixed the following day for me to see her; but that wasn't a good enough reason for my not seeing her at once. My natural .
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n sore trouble in every way. You say his cousin is there?" "Yes, and if I went much I should quarrel with that man." "No, no; you must n .
he accident?" "About fifteen miles, I should think." "Your calculation is that as the accident took place at 3:12 and you left at twenty .
. Her white dress had an under bodice of pink, that gave her more than ever the appearance of an opening water-lily. "I have a new walk .
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was washing carriages; the dogs were asleep in the grass. The place was quiet and in peace. The women received him cordially; a bright c .
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