d. "An artist friend of ours knows the family. He paid a visit to Tolstoi's home, and the Count consented to sit for his picture. I beli figurative speech examples ck called them buttons, but their shapes were peculiar, and looked as if they had been driven into the material to which they had been a .
e di coloro che più degli altri fossero per rimanere danneggiati dalla gran disgrazia. Andate. E finito di far questa esortazione ai se .
s either acting better than I could or he was perfectly sincere. What he did was to talk about people, mentioning a lot of names and ask .
too many thousands; and you shall get away all right. They're not particular about women and girls, you know," he added to me. "But it' .
which had ceased for a few moments, began again. He felt that he had a task before him, that of stopping a gap in front of which an eag .
i frenò issofatto seria e grave, pungendola la vergogna d'essersi fatta troppo scorgere, e il rimordimento d'aver provato una viva gioj .
en surfaces, meeting in a heap at the top, where also a few wind-blown apple-trees maintained their stunted growth. A little below the c .
d him out to be a liar and a hypocrite! The reflection maddened him. But he would pay them all out. Yes, Purvis and Sprague should bitte .
helped Leo when she was in great peril of being drowned; and as the curate learned this he felt his impotence, and was coldly courteous, figurative speech examples changed some of them for corn, but just as we were about to return to our tower, I discovered a few ears of maize still standing close t .
't I? And then, before I could help it, he put his arm round me and said my cheeks were like apples." "Will--you--leave--the--room?" "Ye .
ning the old Queen may swarm for want of room; but, at any rate, in performing the operation, it has saved the trouble of hiving one swa .
and perhaps kill me; yet I felt that it would be cowardly to expose others to a danger I was ready to avoid if I could. I therefore cal .
sphalt ran from curb to curb in black brooks; rain swept across the open spaces of the country, and as they ran through the storm water .
e to her with extreme assurance and knew a great deal about life and women. But from the very first their two wills had clashed in small .
ou with all the strength of my life. Tell me, Olive Castlemaine, that I may hope." "No," she said quietly, "I cannot tell you that--that .
however, and the fact that you don't remember it, wouldn't make an atom of difference with our people. But now, what about the English .
senza vergogna avea gettato dietro di sè ogni virtù di cavaliere. E in questo momento medesimo egli se ne sta pensando appunto al gio figurative speech examples bout. They used to stick out like this;" and she put her fingers in front of her own mouth to illustrate. "Don't you remember how we not .
ng house, a feeling of utter loneliness fell upon her. But he had come now, and she hurried towards him. When she entered the room, she .
esso era stato condannato a morte.... La Ginevra pensò tutta la notte a questo avvenimento, ed era tanta la bontà sua, che provava qu .
pada. Li fece passare per mille andirivieni e corritoi, ne' quali la tetraggine serrava gli animi. Finalmente il custode, spalancata una .
chiamarli, ci penserò io por questo; una cinquantina ch'io ne possa raccogliere è più che sufficiente. Quei che dimorano in Augusta c .
on before we had a proof of our good luck. We were in front of him as we went out and the police sergeant at the door stopped us and was .
e curate, but only succeeding in producing two icy wrinkles--one on either side of her lips. "Some one ill, Mrs Milt?" "Well, really, si .
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