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er it is done, the less hazardous is the experiment. As a general rule, second swarms only should be doubled. Third and fourth swarms sh .

of mere animal pleasure. There was no piquancy left in anything; all had palled and staled on their cloyed palates. But in Cleopatra was .

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them clean water, daily, three or four days. Then unstop the mouth of the hive, and give them liberty. The operator must observe Rule 6 .

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at Rothamsted. His debt of gratitude to these distinguished investigators has been still further increased by their kindness in permitti .

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lf hour in agonized contemplation of his watch. As a matter of fact, he had been reading the papers at his club, wishing to cut down the .

a off a platform for making discords. To begin with, the present Government have a very poor piece, and, secondly, they play it very bad .

rvis, who was the better fellow of the two, looked really distressed. He was ashamed of what had taken place, and had sincerely hoped th .

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