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at we might say pleasant things. BOVEE. * * * * * "The specially social qualities are good nature, amiability, the desire to please, and .
purpose. I kept the appointment punctually and found her rather breathless and flurried. It was a mean little flat; had evidently been h .
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eva quel palazzo, e l'uso che di presente se ne faceva. La marchesa proprietaria, vedova già da trent'anni, era vecchia, era ricchissim .
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had left lying there. He went closer to it and examined it. It was the dead body of a man. He turned quickly and retraced his steps, and .
lf hour in agonized contemplation of his watch. As a matter of fact, he had been reading the papers at his club, wishing to cut down the .
ference is made to this subject in Chapter III., p. 136. [28] See p. 6. [29] See Phil. Trans., Part II., 1861, pp. 444-446. Lawes & Gilb .
to stand it no longer, I told the inspector plainly that this wasn't Colney Hatch, and the sooner he understood as much the better. "He .
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ed my usual strength. A number of streams crossed our path, adding not a little to its difficulties. Our animals were generally driven i .
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tly. "I cannot afford to make any mistakes, signore." Ding, dong, went the balls. When they had played the seventeenth hole, Ricordo had .
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