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ghting line, I was certain to be packed off without any delay. But then I needed only a delay of a couple of days--the papers would be r .
one of the dangers of his expedition. Meantime the Indians ventured out a short distance across the mountains to hunt for game. Several .
into a will-less invalid, and made admiration of her husband into pride and a religion. She had accepted; she never protested. The elde .
ar lì tutti d'un pezzo?... Ohe! dormite? --Per me ho promesso di venire al campo, e ci verrò, ma a un patto. --A quale? --Che di Franc .
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and awkward manner. Phillips Brooks, one of the greatest preachers America has produced, was told by his college president that the min .
s Dr North here?" "What do you want with Dr North?" cried Joe surlily. "I am a medical man, my lad," said the old gentleman, smiling. "I .
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his life. CHAPTER SEVEN. HOPE REVIVES--LIMA AND ITS SCENES AND CHARACTERS. As a shipwrecked seaman, on the wild rock in the middle of t .
re was another long silence as she stood at the window. Her laboured breathing, the clenched hands, and spasmodic movements of her shoul .