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quale, se Francia avesse trionfato, com'era a presumersi, mai non sarebbesi indotto, nella speranza di più alti destini, a concedere l .
ountry we felt sure that we should far outstrip any pursuers. To make certain, however, we paddled on the greater part of the night, the .
then? What can I do, Mary?" he said despairingly. "You know Leo as well as I do. To speak to her would be waste of breath. There is onl .
cket being so much safer a sport, and how I flung away in a huff and marched off and got a ticket at once and went up. That was the star .
is vigorous little animal of a nephew and compared him minutely with his own feeble child. He compared also the mothers. Ruby had alread .
Iddio. Non pensavo, in quel punto, che della vita mia non mi era lecito disporre, chè ad altro oggetto io l'avevo consacrato col giuram .
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amenti. Aveva certi occhi neri pieni di brio e in quel momento più lucenti ancora del solito. Gli vestivan il labbro superiore due gran .
he them. But he's always trying to make fun of me; and he's such an artful old beggar that I never get a chance of scoring off him. I b .
s to hang about our necks this horrid millstone of heredity." His father continued in his impartial tone. "You know how much of that rot .
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paniards; but Nita and his child were in the other scale. At last he announced his resolution of quitting that part of Peru, and taking .
que' poveri apostoli e non abbiamo la fortuna d'esser di sasso... Larghe spalle però, grossa pelle e coraggio, il buon Dio non ci lasc .
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nd this etymological meaning of the word illustrates the old belief in the function of manures. We have already seen in the historical i .
ara que nam entre mais no desejo de se meter nos negocios do Imperio com o pretexto de mediacam, ou de bons, e pacificos oficios; nem em .
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