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ther-in-law. Why, what's the matter? Was that wrong?" she cried, noticing my frown. "Perhaps not, but it was Jimmy's passport I was to u .
Master Bruin of his supper, and calling out to Ned, I dashed through the boughs in pursuit of him. It was hazardous work I own, but I h .
t the post, though few would have ventured to cross that rocky ledge even in broad daylight, much less at night, uncertain what receptio .
more than a few minutes, and I had just finished and was replacing the suit case in its hiding place, when the telephone rang. "Hullo?" .
ook in her eyes. For she was wondering what would be the result of her brother's meeting with the young squire; and then as she drew her .
i gli uomini. La città di Rimini è mia, a trentamila uomini io comando, dieci milioni di scudi romani stanno già nel mio erario; e tu .
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he rose and picked up her gloves. "You'll have to tell him," she spoke roughly to her sister. "I'm going over to mother's." Thornton acc .
t how much you suffer, and when your friends have sympathized with you a dozen times they become a little tired of it. This advice is wo .
had spoken--not his heart. And his thoughts strayed back to California. The other girl, Diana though she was, would never, in almost one .
ex, and this chapter has to do only with the great majority; the intelligent, moral, cultured women of the land. What qualities in men a .
è battuto sei ore continue con me; infine ci convenne sostare ad ambedue.... Il disordine era in ogni sua facoltà, e la fortuna fece .
wind blew colder, the air seemed charged with sulphur. Not that he minded. Indeed, he scarcely noticed the change of the atmosphere. Pre .
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no, il silenzio non era interrotto che dal vento di tramontana che, agitando gli alberi, faceva cadere i flocchi della neve raggelata su .
close upon two hundred miles from the nearest port where we are likely to fall in with any English ship. The Spaniards don't encourage t .