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She saw him the leader of a people, voicing their wants, and interpreting their language; she saw him a prophet, revealing to the world .
y changing his hold upon his stick, he leaned forward, with one hand upon the arm-chair, till he could reach Dally easily as she crouche .
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sked him if he was Adolf Fischer. "I am. Every one in Lingen knows Adolf Fischer." "Have you a brother out Massen way?" "I had, but he d .
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ivano in Milano per lode di buoni studi e d'ingegno. Giovinetto, ebbe a maestri il Merula, il Calcondila, il Minuziano; studiò geometri .
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the rear, to ascertain that no Spaniards were following us. Pedro, Ned, and I were invited by the cacique to accompany him. Half the par .
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e lost them the election. My advice is, get a cab up quietly, and drive to West Billington, a little wayside station five miles away. Fr .
the course of a few years to prevent his making a humiliating sort of mistake like this again. He did not say a word of this, but Lydia .
nti. Com'ebbe finita una tale operazione per la quale gli vollero più di tre ore, tanta fu la lentezza onde pensò di condurla a perfez .
resplendent with the golden ornaments which surrounded them, and its wide courts crowded with votaries in their many-coloured costumes a .
round which a number of old men and women sit and masticate it into a paste. They then roll it into balls, which are dried; and afterwa .
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