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sses, whose behaviour is sure to be imitated by those below them. If their conduct is unchristian, irreligious, or immoral, they will no .
of moorland, where there is some very fine shooting. The late owner neglected it terribly. There is a large village which is very squal .
they think them pretty and fashionable, men would be better pleased. Man is attracted by a woman's beauty itself, and whether she has j .
h Thornton had seen in the Camberton Hall. "Am I not like him?" she asked suddenly, placing herself in the same light as the portrait. " .
is, I believe, meditating marriage with some one else. A common story, I know. Perhaps you could tell similar ones; perhaps, too, the c .
to unbend a little. She did not speak, but she seemed ready, nay, even eager, to hear what he had to say. "Let me say this, then," said .
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so per tutto, s'udivano distintamente le veloci peste delle quattro pedate. Ma il Palavicino non s'accorgeva di nulla; la condizione del .
t me there. Of course, I didn't expect him to talk to me, was not looking for a tip from Madame's own husband, but I had expected a ques .
und face looked down at him, pointing out how time was getting on, and kept on its monotonous _chick chack_, as the old pendulum swung f .
ith you to the station," said Mr. Castlemaine. "You cannot leave for two hours yet." "And I will go too," said Olive. "I am so sorry you .
I wish he had been rather farther off, for the beasts will keep up such a concert that we shan't be able to sleep much more to-night." W .
e quick sideways slip of a skidding car. Instead there was a terrific impact--the crash of steel and glass, a cry. Her own car shot out .
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