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a Romagna e facendole ricuperare dai loro originarj padroni, veniva ad avere in questi degli alleati per necessità e per gratitudine, s .

ora no, che è entrata da lui adesso la moglie di Giampaolo, la quale è giunta a Roma da jeri come sapete. Al Morone rincrebbe d'essere .

in Piazza Farnese. Il palazzo dove stava la Ginevra gli era dirimpetto, le finestre del di lei appartamento erano illuminate. Egli si fe .

ould treat him so kindly. He knew that her hospitality was nothing uncommon in rural districts. Nevertheless, he felt thankful to her. T .

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a sarai suo marito? --Lo sarò. --Non ti domando nessuna promessa; troppo alta è la stima che io ho di te; parla dunque. --Quantunque l .

ave seen it before," he cried aloud; "and now what is to follow?" He looked up at the light shining down through the drawn curtain, and .

. But I speak your language well, don't I?" "I--I can't believe it!" stammered Winfield. "Yes, you can. Why"--and he moved his shoulders .

shall be happy to have your company, Senor Padre," said my father, smiling; "but I hope our valour may not be put to the proof." "I am s .

at our entrance. "You are fortunate in coming out of that place alive; though some I have known would rather have had to remain there t .

no better manners than that? You be careful," says I, "or they'll be cancelling your ticket-of-leave----" He wasn't to be affronted, fo .

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ermission to join several of his officers round their watch-fires. We were surprised at seeing only three or four wounded men; and we le .

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