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eaks English like an Englishman. Sometimes I thought I detected a suggestion of Oxford in his tones. But then, again, when he spoke Germ .
w the truth about the past and to see what lies ahead, you'll understand it all, Anna;" and I went on for a few moments in that style en .
man. He is not thorough, as we understand the word." There remained only the other plan--that Nessa and I should get away in some disgui .
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pon her own ideal of refinement. It was the way of life for men to be brutes, in a curious coarse fashion in speech, in appetites, in ta .
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t has." "But it was I who made you tell Rosa?" "And probably the best thing we could have done if----" and I gestured toward Rosa, who w .
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e to him, and in a few minutes, which seemed an age, we reached the more level ground above the dell. Ned stopped for an instant to gath .