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to amuse her. Suppose she had gone there and found that like Benny they were using her to entertain some of their dull friends. That wou .

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ters to her mother, who glanced at them and then handed them to me. "I don't know the writing, of course," I said. "I don't believe I co .

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is like heaven after London: therefore I owe a debt of gratitude to my benefactress. Yes, and when I see her I will tell her so. But tel .

mmits a great error. If she so regards herself; if she believes she has passed the time when she can be interesting, others are quite li .

mpre fermo, e per nessuna promessa non volle mai confessare ciò ch'era veramente, nè metter mai fuori il nome della Ginevra Bentivogli .

gged away from their homes, to undergo more suffering on their road to their place of trial than they would deserve even if proved guilt .

een carried off by the Indians, and educated by the good priest of their village. "It is a very strange story you tell me," he remarked. .

o dopo codesto breve discorso, quando già i commensali s'erano raccolti nella sala delle mense, venne il Palavicino. Alle prime domande .

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ssumed large proportions, but in the way of little things he did a brisk business and went his old, corrupt, uncertain path. The old hou .

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