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nche ai più violenti esercizi di corpo, e in mezzo a' distinti della città, il popolo la vedeva per molte ore precorrere a cavallo la .
ad recently lost her lover on the Russian front, and her supposed grief at this was to account for her gloomy silence; I was likely to b .
e seated himself afterwards by Mary's couch, where she, poor girl, lay, flushed, and suffering agony mentally and bodily, consequent upo .
her intercourse with you." During their conversation Olive had remained standing by the fireplace, her face rigid, her eyes fixed on the .
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ober. "To Long Island?" Miss Bennett asked. "Of course. Where else?" answered Lydia. "Do you think I shall allow myself to be driven out .
herself. It was Lydia's irritation over Evans' regret at the loss of the bracelet that had apparently decided the girl. "If she was so .
ore me, there was nothing; a few mounds and rocks alone were to be seen between me and the horizon; but as I turned round just as the co overlapping fonts in word insopportabile sua vivacità; la piccola Elena toccò così i tre, i quattro, i sei anni. Ogni anno che passava era un vizietto che ven .
isk. It didn't affect me so much as Nessa. Even if the police held me in custody as a suspected murderer, it would only be a temporary t .
uble arising from Thompson. Now he was a free man: he was rich. And his brother? It was his secret. And why should he trouble about the .
is a clever caricaturist in his way. Here you are in various attitudes: First, Mr. Leicester rising to address the meeting. Second, Mr. .
gen'l'men," he said, and felt himself rocking to and fro as he spoke, "I'm 'bliged to you, verr-y 'bliged to you, for the kind sen'iment .
e ancora accorto della di lei presenza, con una grazia ineffabile gli si mise a sedere d'accanto e lo cinse delle braccia. Vi sono dei m .
ristampare la dinastia, si sarebbero rivolti a lui secondogenito, si propose di passare il tempo del suo esiglio negli studi d'ogni mani .
, to be extremely probable. From certain researches, carried out as far back as the year 1857, Sir Charles Cameron concluded that the pl .
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orosa memoria di sua madre, --Ed io sono certissimo che non c'è altro, duchessa, come son certo che dopo qualche mese di tempo anche il .
re you?" "English travellers, on the road to Lima," answered my father. "Say rather English abettors of rebels," exclaimed the officer f .
mbombare le interne v^olte. Ed era una cosa strana, e che facilmente produceva la giocondità e il buon umore, il pensare a chi apparten .
t it made her blush, disarranged her hair, and prompted the question whether I wished every one to think we were still honeymooning. Of .
di Milano per non fermare l'attenzione altrui. Sotto ai panni vestì una maglia di ferro intera, e caricò i cavalli di gravissime pelli .
ello. Per quanto quegli ufficiali francesi fossero alieni dal provare una pietà al mondo delle miserie lombarde, pure, questa volta, pe .
t to see our papers, Lieutenant?" "My orders are to examine the schooner," said Ito, in English, even more perfect than Tamada's. His fa .
e off, I say;" and the precious pair slunk away like a couple of whipped curs. "I'm awfully sorry about this, Herr Lassen; but why on ea
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