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play a long game of poker, which amusements satisfied their cravings for diversion. Jarvis Thornton was a mere young prig that had walk .
ects most punctilious about points of honour. When he gave his word he never broke it. In his political speeches he never pandered to po .
want you to know I know it--that it was your personal vindictiveness toward me." "Don't say that!" he interrupted sharply. "I shall say .
n careless about her valuables." "She will, I'm sure," said Miss Bennett with more conviction than she felt, "because, between you and m .
ourse that puts a different look on it, but you really ought to be more careful, Schiller. I'm as sober as a judge, man; Harden's standi .
d send me my bill." "Yes, sir. Of course Mr. Grayburn told you I should have to get you out of the town on the sly. This I must say, tho .
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ne Corvino, vivacissimo e prodigo per natura, lo consumò tutto d'un fiato, senza nemmeno lasciar tempo all'anno di finire, senza neppur .
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o stop. "Get a good dinner into you, lad, and then come and talk to me," he said, putting a great paw on my shoulder, and leering apishl .
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wn and took her thin aristocratic hand in both of his. "No one can teach her, dear Benny," he said. "But life can--and will. That's my p .
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ut fox-hunting than his parish work. As a consequence the people have become drunken, thriftless, godless." "But I thought the Free Chur .
te on Bobby--a scrap of paper?" Bobby tore out a page from a cherished address book and gave it to her with a gold pencil from his watch .
ich I am considering, but yours. Besides, if she were normal or dull, not an exacting young American, yet she would be a woman. And as s .
fatti. LETTERA AL CONTE GALEAZZO MANDELLO. _Roma, 7 novembre 1515._ "Tu mi scrivi, che dopo tanto tempo i nostri Milanesi non si sono an .
vilita sommessione, quasi fosse un suo soggetto intimorito dagli strapazzi e dalle contumelie, sentì come un rimorso e uno spavento rep .