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e in a soil, the more able--other conditions being equal--is the plant to withstand the action of drought, as it can draw water for its .
He spent a great deal of time alone, sitting erect in his white iron crib. In spite of the conditions of his birth, he was calm, pink-ch .
's expense, and she is constantly on the watch for opportunities to exercise this accomplishment. Finally it dawns upon her that she doe .
a si fermava atterrita e perplessa. Nella sua virtù pensando poi esser debito suo presentarsi a Leone e supplicarlo per ciò stesso da .
lione e di congiungerla al Palavicino, tanto la prima che questa volta fece nascere in lei delle vaghe speranze, Ella era così terribil .
you are a reformed character? I sincerely congratulate you." "If you mean by that that I believe in your profession or your drawing-roo .
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ned man, lock, stock, and barrel. Behind me in this affair is one of the most powerful men in the whole Empire, whose arm is long enough .
o was several strokes down. "We shall have to get rid of the fellow," said Sprague. "You see he's only a beginner." "Let us be civil," s .
harply to be polite. North was alone, and he rose up with his hands clenched to utter words of wonder as to what his friend would think; .
l Palavicino, essendo presso l'ora di pranzo, uscì in queste parole col Morone: --Io non so cosa pensare, amico mio, ma da che Manfredo .
ed again, and his face grew more wrinkled and puckered up, if possible, as he scratched his head with one yellow claw. "Well, it were so .
d. I felt ashamed of my previous fears, and releasing myself from his support, assured him that I had recovered my strength. The effort .
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