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uched his if she had not shrunk away. She trembled with hate. It was horrible to be so near him. She heard his own breath unsteadily dra .
ain that all the soldiers are together, for I am afraid that some may be left to guard the outlet to the village; but we must run the ri .
nner you don't come across often even in Park Lane, and I soon saw that whatever else happened, Joseph, the valet, as they called him, a .
said Leicester, who now spoke very quietly. "Look at me for a moment--that's it. Now, you know me. You know that I am not tied down to c .
ooted out of his constituency, he had alienated friends, and he had neither faith nor hope." For a few minutes they walked in silence. T .
. There were several huts near mine, one of which I found was occupied by Nita and her husband. Three days passed away, and at last, to .
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believe it. I heard you hit him. That's why I asked if you'd thrashed him." "I smacked his face, as a sort of preface, but he lay down .
en and their hateful dog rushed in. The fate of the poor Indian was sealed, I thought. I followed, expecting to see them tearing him to .
by walking a hundred yards along Trafalgar Square, and she must have known it as well as he did. All the same, she smiled sweetly at him .
ield if you like. The Red Lion will do me--drive on there and don't hurry." I made no answer, but drove quietly through the town, and so .
ars was giving him trouble. He wanted her prepared for the social opportunities he intended her to have. It seemed strange to him that a .
atite. The percentage of phosphate of lime in different kinds of apatite may be stated at from 70 to 90 per cent. It occurs in very larg .
d of which, with some Indian corn bread, we made a very fair meal. In an hour more we reached the edge of the _Alto_, or high plain, ove .
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a gran macchia bianca illuminata dalla luna? quello è Diedo. Ma noi approderemo a un quarto di miglio: tra gli abeti di Sant'Anna. Inta .
ssa campana del Vaticano suonarono le due di notte; il duca marito, alla zecchinetta, aveva a quell'ora perduti più di cinquantamila sc .
-Non c'è da almanaccar tanto, mi sembra, scriverò io stesso alla Ginevra. Le dirò.... le dirò quello che tu medesimo le diresti, se .
many rules and regulations as we are, plenty of men set their wits to work to break them. False identification cards are as common as f .
ernare la nostra maraviglia per le poche e sterili parole onde gli storici accennarono di questo giovane uomo, più che ne trattassero. .
done." He leaned forward to gaze intently at what was going on. "Quells him at once," he said to himself. "Humph! he needn't be quite so .
ike it; and when the trouble came, naturally I saw it was my job." "Be a pal, and tell me all about what you did," she coaxed. "All in g .
to the dining-room, and laid him on a sofa; but he has not stirred since. I'm afraid something is broken." As he spoke he led North into
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