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-Perchè il frate? Io non voglio frati. --`E per la salute dell'anima tua. Il Valacco tenne un istante gli occhi fissi come uno scemo al .
ce abbia troppo amore alla poesia latina ed ai poeti in generale, e alla pittura, e alla musica. Io pure qualche volta deliro per queste .
e quitting their plunder to join their assailants. Meantime some of the baggage mules were trotting off in the direction where Jose and .
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the War of Independence could do little to ameliorate the condition of his people, and refused to leave his retreat. My tale is ended. .
blous feelings had been dismissed, and a strange haunting sensation had gone. "S'pose you'd like me to take the bag on to my place, doct .
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suoi compatriotti tanto più, a' quali doveva esser chiara l'importanza di quel matrimonio, venne nella risoluzione di non mettere inna .
that same?" Well, of all the fools! My head spun with the thought; not at first the thought of fear, mind you, though fear followed righ .
d. The car, I say, had swerved away to the right as she took the precipice. The tremendous force of it not only sent all our loose imped .
him, he helps me to forget. All the same, I'm tired of him in a way. Now, then, what would you do?" "The devil is allays our enemy, zur .
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