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avano ancora nel loro massimo fervore. Il Palavicino quando s'accorse del conte Galeazzo:--Sei giunto in tempo, gli disse, ma fu peccato .
d her head defiantly. "I believe in coming straight to the point, Johann; and the question is whether you are still in the same mind as .
may be for a young man to shun the extravagance of the aesthete, and to despise the shams of society, he cannot afford to neglect the c .
would cost a great deal of money; but that fact should not stand in the way. I can see, too, that no man should own such a place as this .
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o un capello da lui; ma gioiva che gli altri facessero strazio di quelle splendide e superbe beltà che, docili a lui un tempo, or l'avr .
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she had seen him not as an enemy but as a hero, a crusader, a master, that she was an adoring victim? Oh, how easily she could make love .
" I replied with a shrug, "and your manner doesn't smooth it out much; but as no one else can hear you now, I don't mind so much. I can .
disgrace, his political career being blighted, while it was commonly believed that Miss Castlemaine had refused to marry him because sh .
ave come in the night and fetched him. His breakfast has been waiting hours, and--oh, here he comes!" For at that moment North came roun .
i medesimo dirigere ogni mossa e, tenuto segreta ogni cosa all'Accurzio, quando me lo presentò, trattomi in disparte, mi disse com'io d .
almost as flagrant as the other. TACT IN CONVERSATION. _"Ask only the well about their health."_ _Discretion in speech is more than eloq .
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ockings, one of which she was cleverly twisting about the other. She was shy and monosyllabic, utterly unused to children of her own age .
d not make a better law." Lydia suppressed a yawn. "The tiresome old man," she thought. "He actually seems to enjoy saying all that." Hi .
y of fruits stewed in water,--a dish I cannot praise; and then followed a dessert of delicious fresh fruits and sweet cakes, which were .
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