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purpose. I kept the appointment punctually and found her rather breathless and flurried. It was a mean little flat; had evidently been h .
" cried the old man angrily. "I won't take it, and I won't pay for it, not a penny." "Wait till you're asked," said the doctor drily, as .
nce | 1870 | 36.55 | 1.17 | 0.44 | 13.36 " | 1871 | 42.48 | 0.81 | 0.22 | 9.89 " | 1872 | 50.82 | 0.82 | 0.26 | 12.51 Vallombrosa | 1872 .
----+--------+--------+-------- | 100.00 | 99.47 | 100.08 | 99.83 | 100.79 | 101.37 --------------------+--------+--------+--------+---- .
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nobserved. He was not long in finding the paragraph he desired. "Postponement of wedding," he read. "The marriage between Radford Leices .
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d it as though he were trying to think. "Larst time," he said presently, "larst time she dropped one or two at Cannes, I'm thinking---- .
t St Botolph's Church, 1669.)' The author attributes plant-growth to the influence of a _balsam_ which the air contains. This book is es .
nd her smiles and tears showed how keenly she appreciated the music. She examined Louisa's paintings every day with unflagging interest, .
she exclaimed, much too loudly to be safe. "Let me tell you why it is necessary not to speak loudly. You have a spy in the house: the s .
corner, and I was thrown so badly that although he walked his machine in I couldn't beat him." He was serious enough about it all, and I .
y scientific, the scale of the experiments and the conditions under which they have been carried out, have been such as to render them e .
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e di noi una eccellente opinione, che altrimenti avremmo a rodere macigni. E dove la divozione piega qualche poco in superstizione non à .
attaching qualities when you know her, Dan." "Attaching!" he broke out with a suppressed irritation she had never seen--a strange hate .
lied Ricordo. "I will go around by myself after you are gone. I arranged to meet a gentleman here just after nine; but I have received w .
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