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was more remarkable, had told the truth--yes, as she thought it over, it was nearly the truth. He was particularly successful with the .
st of nature's housekeeping and walked lightly as unannounced guests. They wandered on to an open patch in the woods and sat down, sinki .
were his acts. They were of as much avail, and he returned to the hall, when a few words were exchanged in a low tone of voice, followe .
he Minnesota uncle to secure some kind of a berth for young Roper. In a few weeks he was able to make another journey to the Four Corner .
"But even if you are, I think you might keep it, Hartley. See how common it is for ladies of a congregation to present the curate with .
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and swollen, but they had been carefully manicured. Without a shudder he examined the pockets. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, in .
n why I wasn't overjoyed to see you," she added to me. I nodded. "And explain probably why von Gratzen thinks it worth while to send me .
eaks English like an Englishman. Sometimes I thought I detected a suggestion of Oxford in his tones. But then, again, when he spoke Germ .
spasm of rage at this almost overpowered his cowardice, and he must have been within an ace of apoplexy. The blood rushed in a crimson .
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e you much hurt?" "I think not, Hartley, dear," she replied, with a smile. "My head is not so giddy now." "Oh! what a madman I was to le .
d'un colpo tutte le vostre speranze; ma credete invece che ella è pietà, perchè bisogna bene che v'entri una volta l'ultima persuasi .
ery perceptible little things which make the man a gentleman. Some people even contend that outward manner is a secondary consideration .
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