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han the Leicester of old, and there was still a suggestion of strangeness about him; but the black beard and moustache, the fez, and the .
e came up, to order the Indians to retreat. We managed to do so in very good order, and at so rapid a rate that we soon distanced the Sp .
rned our horses' heads to face it. As we did so, a clear break appeared in one part. "Let us make for yonder lighter spot," shouted my f .
What was my surprise to see the cliffs on either side of the road, and which I had thought inaccessible, swarming with Indians, mostly d .
ost of details, took me out later to see the place where I was to work; a very well-equipped place it was, too, but with only a lad and .
ion, as she recalled the last night's scene in the vestry. "Why not, dear?" "It is too horrible--the sexton!" "Nonsense, child! Poor old .
f good manners is so nearly allied to that of good morals that they seem almost inseparable. "Did you ever think how invisible is the ar .
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hat new life was he hardly dared to confess even to himself, but it was there, in the background of his mind. "I have won, I have got my .
I can't go home yet. I was just taking my little darling to some friends." She was certainly not a good actress, or she would never have .
e owe not only to other people but to ourselves; a duty to make ourselves better in every respect than we are. Indeed, the true spirit o .
st of a vital passion had come he had acted like any other inconsiderate, purposeless young man, like any one with a chaotic will-less p .
lic-house should exist on it." "Have you finished sketching your plans yet?" asked John Castlemaine. "No, not yet," was the reply. "I wo .
s introduced to John Castlemaine. This was the first time he had met him. Mr. Castlemaine had been away to London for several days, and .
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f robber-warriors. I thought I was aiding Huascar to escape from among his brother's army. We had passed the guards, who were fast aslee .
hing to me, for I'm off to Margate to-morrow." He waited for me to speak, but seeing that I was bent on reading my paper, made no furthe .
guardarono in viso come interrogandosi sul suo significato, e tanto più quando videro il governatore prendere il fanciullo per mano, p .
ed, I am sure," said Sprague; but Purvis pleaded a headache, and declared that he would be such a dull companion that he would not infli .
a Cabinet Minister, Prime Minister! He had power which could fit him even for this. The sphere of such a man's influence was simply boun .
tringendola alla vita e abbracciandola colla forza d'Ercole, le avesse fatto subire il supplizio d'Anteo. Lo stupore degli astanti crebb .