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has thus far preserved us. He will still find the means of rescuing us." As he spoke, the dark wall of sand, which had been receding fr .
nti. Com'ebbe finita una tale operazione per la quale gli vollero più di tre ore, tanta fu la lentezza onde pensò di condurla a perfez .
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seem almost as eager to marry me now as you were before to get out of it," she scoffed. It was an unpromising start, for she was in a ve .
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ch falls within my province," replied Olive. "My father manages the estate. Since he has partially retired from business, it is his grea .
w what's good for yourself, it's fit some one should." "But I tell you--" "And I tell you," cried Salis angrily, for Tom Candlish's fier .
accorgersi di qualche cosa. `E già molto che sentano il bisogno di stordirsi nei passatempi della vita per far tacere un affanno. Vada .
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questions to her. Somehow she felt he had the right. He had asked her to be his wife, and he had the right to know. Besides, she was str .
lk about our ailments," she added with a smile. "No, of course not; but I have been very poorly, dear, and I sent for Dr North. Do you t .