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1 Other nitrogenous manures 152 Oil-seeds and oilcakes 153 Other imported sources of nitrogen 153 Conclusion 153 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER III .
ar the most important, and on the presence and character of the nitrogen it contains, the fertility of a soil may be said to be most lar .
licates, and doubtless to a certain extent to the formation of insoluble humates and ulmates. Heiden's experiments would seem to indicat .
e herself would repair the injury done, even as a fractured bone rapidly knits together and becomes stronger than before. Here, then, wa .
ems like some far-fetched melodrama, doesn't it? But the thing is true. It leaked out little by little, I suppose, that I was a man of s .
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your bayonets. You're answerable for them." "I'm going to sleep," said Nessa as the brute was leaving the carriage; and she put her legs .
least of the Christian virtues, and it should be studied as an art. The reader is requested to accept these chapters in the spirit in w .
ground to jar the steeple, and make it fall. One of them blew a horn--as he said, to bring down the old Jericho--and another thought he' .
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r own young men, so that Eleanor found herself next to O'Bannon at dinner. He was on his hostess' right, Gore on her left, then Lydia an .
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and the leaves grow singly, two being placed opposite to each other. It is said that the natives discovered its qualities by observing t .
ides, I don't want any uncles now, for I shall marry Mr. Sarand directly Lord Badington gives his consent--and that won't be long, for w .